Sukkot is the time of year when the rest of the world usually starts heading indoors and we head outdoors. We remember the 40 years wandering in the desert in our makeshift huts and tents, relying on God to provide for our needs. It is a time of gathering and togetherness and good food. This year, as we return to our traditions, the rest of the world is joining us in staying outside as long as they can.
As we are outside with the wind blowing through our sukkah’s roofs, it is a good time to share these traditions with our friends and neighbors. Why not use the opportunity to invite those who may be most isolated to join with people in a safe manner? Even if you have no sukkah, you can evoke similar feelings while meeting on your front lawn, your back porch, or in a park.
It is a harvest holiday – invite friends to go apple picking or pumpkin gathering. While large groups pose a greater risk, inviting a local senior or two to sit with you and your family can go a long way to helping break the time up.
As the colder weather approaches, we know we will have fewer opportunities to remain outside. So let us take advantage of the gift of the Zman Simchateinu, the time of our happiness that is Sukkot. Chag Sameach – Happy Sukkot!
Here are a few great ways to celebrate outside around our city.
Apple picking
These farms and orchards offer apple-picking with precautions in place to prioritize your family’s health during this time.