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LinkedIn: Networking Strategies


A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn how to find new networking contacts on LinkedIn. This presentation will discuss and demonstrate how to find new connections at target companies and then take the next steps to develop a professional relationship. This workshop is best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.…Read More

Job Search Networking Group

A JFCS Career Services Event: If you are a frustrated job seeker, you are welcome to join us for our virtual Job Search Networking Group. It's a great opportunity to expand your network and brainstorm ideas for your job search including job leads, contacts, new target companies, and strategies for…Read More

City of Pittsburgh Employer Information Session

A JFCS Career Services Event: Join JFCS Career Services as we virtually host recruiters from the City of Pittsburgh for an information and Q & A session! Gain access to employment opportunities details, interview and onboarding process, and more! Visit the City of Pittsburgh’s website to apply and learn more:…Read More

3, 2, 1, Go!

A JFCS Career Services Event: Understand why motivation is easily discussed but sometimes difficult to obtain. Learn ways to tap into intrinsic motivational tools along with developing new ones. Also begin to remove the proverbial cement blocks that slow your forward momentum. Presented by Lisa Lenhart – llenhart@jfcspgh.org. Registration closes at 5:00…Read More