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LinkedIn: Creating Your Profile


A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn how to build your profile on LinkedIn. This presentation will discuss and demonstrate how to create a professional online presence using LinkedIn. This workshop is best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer. Presented by Justin Kelly - jkelly@jfcspgh.org. Registration closes at 5:00 PM the…Read More

Resume Writing Trends

A JFCS Career Services Event: Trends in resume writing continue to evolve. Does your resume clearly showcase your brand and highlight your value? Is it current with the latest trends and formatted for scoring and ranking by applicant tracking systems? Join us for ideas to help make your resume positively…Read More

Career Transitions and the Mature Worker

A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn to Navigate the landscape of today's ever changing workforce. Regardless if you are returning to work, changing careers, or pursuing a passion there are many ways you can position yourself to be just what the employer needs. Highlight your strengths and attributes to maximize…Read More

LinkedIn: Searching for Jobs


A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn how to search for jobs on LinkedIn. This presentation will demonstrate how to search for jobs, apply for positions, and save searches/postings using LinkedIn. This workshop is best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer. Presented by Lisa Lenhart - llenhart@jfcspgh.org. Registration closes at 5:00…Read More