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Employer Services

Local employers as an extension of JFCS Career Services - offering a diverse range of workforce opportunities across our region. JFCS offers employers comprehensive services to support recruitment, retention, and employee satisfaction. Reach out for help choosing a partnership package that works best for your organization.

Workforce Development

We understand that a strong workforce is not just a checkbox but a strategic asset that improves the overall innovation and success of your business. Employer services centered on employee well-being play a pivotal role in cultivating a workforce that is healthier but more productive. At the heart of our approach to workforce development is a commitment to enhancing the overall vitality of your team. We understand that investing in the well-being of your employees is an investment in the success and longevity of your organization.

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Program Spotlight

The Innovation District Skills Alliance is paving the way for diverse workforce development in Pittsburgh by creating career pathways for residents of high-barrier neighborhoods! The cohort-based program partners with area employers experiencing workforce shortages. Employers undergo a workflow analysis to address unintentional barriers for qualified applicants. Cohort members are accepted based on the job requirements and are then trained in professional skills needed to apply for open positions (ie interview skills). The program concludes with qualified applicants applying for the open positions, fostering inclusive growth in the Pittsburgh!

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Company Layoffs

The way an employer navigates a layoff has immediate and long-term ramifications for your business and your employees. It is valuable to facilitate seamless career transitions for displaced staff. This will  reflect your concern for their well-being and also significantly influence how your team, customers, and the community support your company.

Our approach is tailored to suit your specific needs. Our team will work with you to develop a personalized service employer services package, choosing from a blend of individual counseling, skills workshops, or group sessions. Please reach out to JFCS Career Services and make sure your team is supported throughout a company layoff.

Schedule a demo:

Shawnte’ Knox | 412.463.3373 | careerservices@jfcspgh.org

Workforce Recruitment & Retention

Our Talent Acquisition Services offer extensive support for employers in recruiting talent across various industries and positions, spanning technology, operations, healthcare, social services, sales and marketing, finance, administration, engineering, and more. We are committed to understanding your position requirements and actively engaging in sourcing and networking for each opening to identify qualified candidates.

Additionally, our Talent Acquisition Services facilitates career fairs, networking events and including job postings in our weekly email blasts. Each prospect is meticulous pre-screened by our team to ensure that applicants are qualified for your consideration.

Schedule a demo:

Shawnte’ Knox | 412.463.3373 | careerservices@jfcspgh.org

Career Fairs & Networking Events

We facilitate a series of employer career fairs and networking events spanning Allegheny County in partnership with area employers. These events provide a platform that bridge the gap between regional employers and potential candidates – to foster meaningful professional conversations and interactions.

With the support of our team, company representative connect with candidates face to face to discuss potential opportunities. The personal interaction supports a clear understanding of candidates’ skills and qualifications and allows for a more genuine connection between employers and potential hires.

Our team at Career Services is dedicated to ensuring that these events are not just about recruitment but about cultivating relationships. We understand the importance of a well-rounded recruitment process, and our goal is to contribute to the success of your hiring initiatives.

Schedule a demo:

Shawnte’ Knox | 412.463.3373 | careerservices@jfcspgh.org

Workforce Retention & Support

When a spouse or partner embarks on a relocation journey for a new position, the accompanying partner often requires support in their job search endeavors. Extending job search assistance to the relocating spouse not only enhances the overall recruitment experience but also plays a crucial role in building a strong rapport with the newly transferred employee.

We offer a comprehensive array of career counseling and job search services designed to address the specific needs of individuals navigating through job transitions. From informative workshops to personalized resume and cover letter development, our services are tailored to empower clients in their quest for fulfilling employment opportunities. What sets us apart is our commitment to providing these valuable services remotely, enabling the spouse to kickstart their job search even before the relocation takes place.

Schedule a demo:

Shawnte’ Knox | 412.463.3373 | careerservices@jfcspgh.org


Our dedicated team will curate events to meet your hiring goals and foster meaningful connections between your organization and prospective candidates.

Elevate your recruitment efforts with our personalized touch. Let us navigate the intricacies of your staffing requirements, allowing you to focus on what you do best—building a team that propels your organization forward.

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JFCS Career Services | Events

Resume Writing Trends

February 26 @ 1:30 pm

AI & the Job Search

February 27 @ 2:30 pm

Job Search Networking Group

February 28 @ 10:00 am

5743 Bartlett Street, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Click Here for Directions

Community Partners

Area employers are an extension of JFCS Career Services, ensuring a diverse regional workforce.