A Steel City Legacy At its beginning in 1984, JFCS Career Development Center was created as a response to the collapse of the steel industry. Started as a joint project with the Jewish Federation, the Career Development Center aimed to help hundreds of people in the Jewish community who were…Read More
Newcomers Crew Learns About Flight
Each week, dozens of refugee kids in the Crafton Heights neighborhood meet at the playground to play games, learn about themselves, and have fun. JFCS Refugee and Immigrant Services started Newcomers Crew as a way to help newer refugee kids adjust to life in the US and have some support…Read More
Good Job Happy Family Helps Refugees Receive Holistic Help
Every year, refugee families arrive in Pittsburgh with hopes for a better, safer life. But a better life doesn’t come quickly or easily. They often face unexpected challenges with finding good paying jobs, navigating US systems in a language they don’t speak, making sure their children’s needs are met, and…Read More
A Look At The JFCS Art and Contemplation and Mindfulness and Meditation Groups
Art Therapists Angelica Joy Miskanin and Kelly Moore have run community support groups (Art and Contemplation and Mindfulness and Meditation) over the course of the past year during the pandemic. The groups have had dozens of individuals join as they need. While the groups are literally open to anyone (worldwide)…Read More