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Long-time partner: Ladies Hospital Aid Society

Sometimes crises aren’t obvious to outsiders. Passing a couple or a family on the street, many of us could never deduce that domestic violence, hunger or poverty may be causing distress. In our day-to-day interactions, we may not realize those who we come in contact may be struggling.

Jewish Family & Children’s Service recognizes that the first step to help those facing a crisis is to identify the problem or need, whether it’s spousal abuse, not having enough to eat, struggling not to lose a house to foreclosure or feeling the pressure to care for an aging parent.

While individuals reach out to JF&CS for help, we, too, rely on the support of others to assist us in fulfilling our mission.

Ladies Hospital Aid Society (LHAS) is one such organization.

LHAS has remained responsive to the changing health care needs of the entire Western Pennsylvania community for more than a century. From providing support for the poor and the sick to those who are in need of emergency help, LHAS has shown incredible care, compassion and fortitude to help individuals and families right here in Pittsburgh. They do this through several LHAS programs and by supporting programs of organizations such as JF&CS which share LHAS’s commitment to making a difference.

Since 1992, LHAS has graciously given in excess of $219,000 to JF&CS programs and initiatives. More than half of that amount LHAS has designated to domestic violence programs at JF&CS, helping to bring the problem of abuse at the hands of a spouse to light and enabling us to provide free counseling sessions to women experiencing abuse.

“Domestic abuse is an issue that has been in the news at least daily,” said Dee Dee Troutman, executive director of LHAS. “Since we started as a women’s organization 114 years ago, it’s a cause near and dear to our hearts.”

LHAS also has provided grants in support of the Squirrel Hill Community Food Pantry, which last year distributed nearly 250,000 pounds of food to 600 households; caregiver and escort services which help aging adults; and our SOS Pittsburgh emergency assistance program, a program that prevents crises from upending lives.

We are very grateful to the leadership, members and staff of LHAS for their staunch support and look forward to many more years of partnering to improve lives.