How You Can Help
There are many ways to support JFCS with a financial contribution. Please read below to find the giving option that is best for you. If there is another way you would like to support JFCS, please contact our development office at 412-586-3777.
If you participate in the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s annual campaign, you may designate all or part of your donation to JFCS by using the agency code 76. For participants in the Three Rivers CFC campaign, our agency code is 95226.
Single Gift
Your gift goes to work immediately, directly helping those who need it most. Select JFCS, or designate your gift to a specific JFCS program in the designation drop-down menu on the Donate page.
Recurring Gift
Knowing we can count on your contribution helps us continuously provide services to those who are struggling. Consider choosing the Recurring Gift option when you make a donation through our Donate page.
Shop Our Amazon Wish List
You know how important it is to have a home to call your own when you arrive in a new place—we want these families to feel safe and secure as they begin their new lives here. We’ve created a housing registry where you can select items you’d like to donate and we’ll deliver them directly to the families. You can also purchase gift cards from our registry so that families can buy much needed items and other essentials on their own time. Consider purchasing a gift from our Wish List page.
Tribute Gifts
Honor or memorialize a special person or event with a Tribute Card. After you make your donation, we’ll send a beautiful personalized card to your chosen recipient, informing them of your thoughtfulness. Select Tribute Card–JFCS or Tribute Card—JFCS Squirrel Hill Food Pantry in the designation drop-down menu on the Donate page. Please be sure to enter all tribute information, including tribute message and signature, and the name and address of where tribute should be sent. To dedicate a gift or request a Tribute Card, you can also call our development office at 412-586-3777.
Stock Gifts & Securities
Donating appreciated securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds you’ve held for more than one year) is typically an excellent way to reduce or avoid capital gains taxes and receive a federal income tax charitable deduction. Please call our Director of Communications & Fundraising 412-586-3778 to make your gift.
In-Kind Donations
In-kind donations are welcome at JFCS. We accept donations of nonperishable food, personal care items and diapers at the JFCS Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Please call the Pantry Coordinator at 412-421-2708 to schedule a drop-off. JFCS Refugee & Immigrant Services is in need of in-kind donations to furnish new homes with essential items – visit the registry to donate items.
Planned Gifts
Create a legacy of caring. Establishing an endowment or making a charitable bequest to JFCS ensures we can provide critical social services to those who are struggling with life changes and challenges for generations to come. Contact our Director of Communications & Fundraising at 412-586-3778 for more information.
Jewish Family and Community Services is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code.