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- No events scheduled for November 19, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 22, 2023.
All Day
All Day
- No events scheduled for November 25, 2023.
Week of Events
Agency Closed
Agency Closed
Job Search Networking Group
Job Search Networking Group
A JFCS Career Services Event: If you are a frustrated job seeker, you are welcome to join us for our virtual Job Search Networking Group. It's a great opportunity to expand your network and brainstorm ideas for your job search including job leads, contacts, new target companies, and strategies for overcoming barriers you may be
Resume Writing Trends
Resume Writing Trends
A JFCS Career Services Event: Trends in resume writing continue to evolve. Does your resume clearly showcase your brand and highlight your value? Is it current with the latest trends and formatted for scoring and ranking by applicant tracking systems? Join us for ideas to help make your resume positively impactful. Presented by Pam Harris