The Art of Networking

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn the essential practice of networking; how to find and approach contacts and techniques for presenting yourself effectively. Presented by George Ponticello – Registration closes at 5:00 PM the BUSINESS DAY PRIOR to this workshop. Registrations after the deadline will not be accepted. To cancel a registration, please contact Gretchen Young

Cover Letter Writing Trends

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Well written Cover Letters serve as a compelling and strategic component in getting hired. Do you write cover letters that help you to stand out from your competition? Trends in cover letter writing continue to evolve. Join us to gain new insight into how cover letters, e-notes, and other letters,

Community Life Employer Information Session

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Join JFCS Career Services as we virtually host recruiters for an information and Q & A session. Individuals who participate will gain direct access to details about multiple employment opportunities, interview and onboarding process, benefits, and more! Visit Community Life's website to apply and learn more: This event is


Caregiver Support Group Meeting

Our caregiver support group is a place where family caregivers are welcome to come and learn from one another, lend support to one another, and have a confidential space to help each other through the stresses of caregiving. It is a non-disease specific group so caregivers dealing with any kind of diagnosis can attend. We meet on