3, 2, 1, Go!
Virtual ConferencingA JFCS Career Services Event: Understand why motivation is easily discussed but sometimes difficult to obtain. Learn ways to tap into intrinsic motivational tools along with developing new ones. Also
The Art of Networking
Virtual ConferencingA JFCS Career Services Event: Learn the essential practice of networking; how to find and approach contacts and techniques for presenting yourself effectively. Presented by George Ponticello – gponticello@jfcspgh.org. Registration
Job Search Networking Group
Virtual ConferencingA JFCS Career Services Event: If you are a frustrated job seeker, you are welcome to join us for our virtual Job Search Networking Group. It's a great opportunity to
Rounding the Bases: The Second Inning
JCC Squirrel Hill Forbes Avenue 5736, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us as we cover the current state of baseball, including how to keep score, different team breakdowns, uniform changes through the years and ballpark innovations. We will talk famous