Behavioral Interviewing Techniques in Action

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Join us in learning what behavioral interviewing is and why so many employers use this method. In addition, we will present clear and concise techniques

Familylinks Employer Information Session

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Join JFCS Career Services as we virtually host recruiters for an information and Q & A session. Individuals who participate will gain direct access to

LinkedIn: Searching for Jobs

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn how to search for jobs on LinkedIn. This presentation will demonstrate how to search for jobs, apply for positions, and save searches/postings using LinkedIn.

Resume Writing Trends

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Trends in resume writing continue to evolve. Does your resume clearly showcase your brand and highlight your value? Is it current with the latest trends