Resume Writing Trends

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Trends in resume writing continue to evolve. Does your resume clearly showcase your brand and highlight your value? Is it current with the latest trends

AI & the Job Search

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: AI tools are an increasingly common fixture of our daily lives, transforming the way we work, create, and communicate. Join us as we present an

Job Search Networking Group

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: If you are a frustrated job seeker, you are welcome to join us for our virtual Job Search Networking Group. It's a great opportunity to

Career Transitions and the Mature Worker

Virtual Conferencing

A JFCS Career Services Event: Learn to Navigate the landscape of today's ever changing workforce. Regardless if you are returning to work, changing careers, or pursuing a passion there are