JFCS Immigration Legal Services wishes to thank all the attorneys and volunteers who helped immigrants fill out their citizenship applications on Saturday, February 23rd. These people have waited at least five years, in many cases after decades spent in refugee camps, to finally be able to believe they are truly home again.
The applicants were mostly from the ethnic Nepali community (Bhutanese), coordinated through the Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh (BCAP).
“These attorneys and volunteers are a lifeline to these immigrants,” said Jamie Englert, director of JFCS Immigration Legal Services. “It’s the final dream come true for people who have come halfway around the world to start again. JFCS is grateful for all the pro bono hours so many attorneys and others in Pittsburgh have given.”
Next, JFCS Immigration Legal Services department will partner with the Allegheny County Bar Association to provide a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) event for lawyers on March 15.
This training will focus on the unique challenges of working with unaccompanied minors, specifically how to identify and manage ethical conflicts which often arise in such complex cases.

JFCS is excited to offer the expertise of staff member Orlando Portela, JD, PhD, to the legal community. Dr. Portela will share best practices and the benefit of long experience with these cases, so that attorneys can give these especially vulnerable clients truly qualified representation.
Attorneys who are interested in participating should contact Sarah Krause at skrause@jfcspgh.org.