As the war in the Middle East continues and as we approach six years since the tragedy at Tree of Life, many people are still feeling the stress, anxiety, and effects of the war and that day. You may be among them. You may have been told by those around…Read More
Category: JFCS
Continued Support if You are Still Struggling After 10/27: Steps You Can Take Towards Healing
As we approach the groundbreaking at Tree of Life, on Sunday, June 23, for the construction of the new building that will take shape on the site of the 10.27 shooting, many people are still feeling the effects of that day. You may be among them. You may have been…Read More
Turning Down A Job Offer – Without Burning Bridges

Turning down a job offer requires some care and clear communication. It is important that you have assessed the opportunity and also walk away without a burned bridge. Your phone rings and you recognize the call as coming from the hiring manager who just interviewed you last week. While most…Read More
Job Seekers: You Need a Personal Branding Strategy

A personal brand strategy is a fancy way to talk about your "reputation". Whether you realize it or not, your reputation proceeds you. It’s not how you see yourself; rather, it’s how others in your world see you. Building a personal brand is an ongoing and proactive process, and it…Read More