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We made it through year one – what now?

by Stefanie Small, LCSW, Clinical Director, JFCS Counseling Services The build-up, media blitz, community attention and city-wide day of commemoration of the shooting at Tree of Life Or L’Simcha is over, and it is November. We have made it through year one, which therapists say is generally the hardest. So…Read More

October 27th: a year later

There is no prescribed path out of trauma. As the one year mark of the shooting on October 27th approaches, it is natural to be sharply reminded of “that day.” What you were doing, how close (or not) you might have been to the scene of the tragedy, how you…Read More

Mental Health First Aid – what is it?

written by Chris Rippee, JFCS Career Development Center Career Consultant and certified Mental Health First Aider People seeking services come to JFCS for help during challenging periods of their lives. Laid off or out-of-work job seekers, refugees and immigrants resettling in a new country and/or looking for legal aid, or…Read More

West Virginia to Veracruz: Traveling to Mexico as a child

The following story comes to us from JFCS Paralegal Julianna. ****   The photo above is of a girl named Julieta who became my friend despite neither of us speaking the other's language Throughout my childhood, my parents took my older brother and me to Veracruz as often as possible…Read More