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Giving Tuesday Success!

giving tuesday success

Tuesday, May 5 was #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Thanks to everyone who donated, we surpassed our goal, raising a total of $9,397.31! These donations help us continue to do our work in the community, supporting our neighbors,…Read More

Letter From Dr. Jordan Golin on this #GivingTuesdayNow

Friends, Every day, JFCS commits to supporting the community through life’s changes and challenges. The past few years brought countless crises. Some of these were personal and others impacted the community as a whole. During these difficult times, the staff at JFCS is always here. It’s because of your support…Read More

Health and Safety Resources

health and safety

It's especially important to know what health and safety resources area available during the COVID-19 crisis. These resources are available to help protect your health and wellbeing, as well as support those with ongoing needs. Categories: Healthcare and Testing Sexual & Reproductive Health HIV+ Info Recovery Resources Domestic Violence &…Read More