JF&CS’s Legal Services department helps refugees and immigrants with legal issues they face on their journey toward citizenship in the U.S.: green card applications, representation of unaccompanied minors, relative petitions and citizenship applications. This busy department serves around 1,100 clients every year from almost 100 countries, and has about 700…Read More
Category: JFCS Volunteers
A volunteer’s story and a chance to double your gift to the Squirrel Hill Community Food Pantry!
There are two good reasons to donate now to the Squirrel Hill Community Food Pantry's annual campaign: During Passover it is an age-old Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday--especially food. We are thrilled to…Read More
300 slow cookers arrive at SHCFP, thanks to one generous donor
Recently, a long-time Pantry supporter and volunteer for more than 10 years --Naomi Weisberg Siegel -- made a generous donation to SHCFP for the purchase of slow cookers to be distributed to Pantry clients and families. With her donation, SHCFP was able to purchase 300 crock pots from Costco at the…Read More
If These Shelves Could Talk; Pantry Volunteers Share the Importance of Food Security
At JF&CS and our Squirrel Hill Community Food Pantry (SHCFP), volunteers are vital to our work and mission, whether they are generously giving their time on a regular basis or providing a particular skill to our agency when needed. In the letter below, long-time Pantry volunteers, Betty Ann and Ronald…Read More