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Refugee kids decorate their first gingerbread houses!

      Arriving at After School Club on Thursday afternoon, more than 20 refugee children were astonished to find a table full of gingerbread houses ready to be decorated. There were bags of different colored icing, and all sorts of gum drops, red hots, M&Ms and more. Jenna Baron, Executive Director…Read More

Meet Jenna Baron, Executive Director of ARYSE

[caption id="attachment_3913" align="alignleft" width="300"] Jenna Baron[/caption] Jenna Baron is the Executive Director of ARYSE (Alliance for Refugee Youth Support and Education). ARYSE came to be because Jenna saw a need in the community. Students who came to the U.S. as refugees often have a lot of needs, not the least…Read More

Press Conference Statement

Press Conference, Tuesday, October 30, 2018 Statement of Dr. Jordan Golin, President & CEO, Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS) Our hearts are broken. Our community was targeted and will be forever changed by the events on Saturday. We mourn the victims of the tragedy in our community. We also…Read More