As a display of support for all those impacted by the 10/27 synagogue shooting and the ongoing trial, please consider participating in the display of Blue Ribbons of Solidarity. The display of blue ribbons signifies solidarity with the families and survivors during the trial of the synagogue perpetrator, as well as a commitment to standing up against hate and violence.
We encourage individuals, families, and organizations to display blue ribbons during the upcoming trial of the synagogue shooting perpetrator, which begins April 24th.
These blue ribbons signify solidarity, togetherness, and the family and neighborliness that exists beyond borders.
They signify the healing power of community during difficult times, and the commitment to standing up against antisemitism and hate in all its forms.
Hate has no home here.
The display of these blue ribbons, whether through tying them to your door or tree, creating bracelets, or creating art in a way meaningful to you, shows your connection to all those who have been harmed by violence and hate, and your commitment to standing with them through difficulty and pain.
To get your own blue ribbon, stop by the drop box outside our office (5743 Bartlett Street) and cut a piece of ribbon (or several!) to hang around your home and neighborhood. The 10.27 Healing Partnership will also be distributing blue ribbons–stop by their offices (Room 316 of the JCC of Greater Pittsburgh) to receive your free blue ribbons. Alternatively, you can make your own!
Check out these photos of ribbons currently around the community, and send your own photo in to show your support and solidarity!