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A personal message from Aryeh Sherman, JF&CS President & CEO

Dear JF&CS Supporters, Volunteers and Friends,
It has been more than 16 years since I started working at Jewish Family & Children’s Service and more than 40 years since I began my career in the field of human services. Though there is still much work to be done–andno person can ever complete this job–there comes a time to evaluate how to spend the rest of one’s life.

As you may have heard or read recently, I officially announced at last week’s board meeting that at the end of September 2016 I will be leaving my role as President & CEO of JF&CS. The JF&CS board of directors is currently developing a plan for the most thoughtful, smooth and comprehensive transition process possible. Our incoming board chair, Jeffrey Freedman, has appointed immediate past chair, Wendy Mars, as the chair of a search committee that will advise the board on this transition. And, until I retire, I intend to be fully engaged in the work of JF&CS and plan to ensure that the next President & CEO is well-positioned to do great things for JF&CS and our community.

I know that I still want to play a role in making the world a better place for people who have been forgotten or undervalued by our society. I also know that throughout my tenure, JF&CS has grown into a wonderful organization with exceptional staff, seasoned leadership, an engaged Board of Directors and a first class reputation among donors, funding organizations and government agencies. Knowing this, I feel that it is time for me to help transition JF&CS to the next phase, and for me to find new ways to leave our world a little better place than when I entered it.

To the JF&CS staff, board of directors, volunteers, supporters, community partners and funders; for your continuous outpouring of support for our work and mission, I am deeply grateful to you and I look forward to collaborating with you throughout the rest of my tenure at JF&CS.


Aryeh Sherman's signature

Aryeh Sherman
President & CEO
Jewish Family & Children’s Service

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